Nursery Class Statement of Purpose:
Our purpose at Faith Evangelistic Center, as Nursery workers is to assist in the spiritual growth of the parents that attend Faith Evangelistic Center by giving them a way to focus on the service they are attending by demonstrating Christ’s love in a safe and loving environment as we care for and teach every child that enters the nursery.

Pre-School Class Purpose Statement:
We strive to assist parents at Faith Evangelistic Center to model and teach Biblical principles to their children. We believe the primary responsibility for Biblical, spiritual development is given to the parents as clear instructions in the Bible. Our desire is to help children know, grow and show God`s love by providing a safe environment to learn and have fun. “We will not hide them from their children, we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done.” Ps. 78:4
Children’s Church Statement of Purpose:
We believe the children are our future. We believe it’s our responsibility, not only as adults but as “leaders,” to lead the children in the right direction. If we give our best and God’s ALL, then our children will be enabled to take their knowledge and direction to other children and build a chain all over the city. There is power in our children. The children are not held back by fear of what they say or who they say it to. We believe that when we, the leaders, become stronger in our faith and conquer our fears, then we can build a chain as the children will do. One child tells another child, and then they
tell their friends and family, and so on.
tell their friends and family, and so on.
We believe our job is to stay focused in God and stay strong in our studies and prayer so that we can be strong leaders for the children. We believe that through patience and fun that all children’s workers can lead the children to Christ and, through them, touch the city.

Children’s Ministry
We believe the children are our future. We believe it’s our responsibility, not only as adults but as “leaders,” to lead the children in the right direction. If we give our best and God’s ALL, then our children will be enabled to take their knowledge and direction to other children and build a chain all over the city. There is power in our children. The children are not held back by fear of what they say or who they say it to. We believe when we, the leaders, become strong in our faith and conquer our fears, then we can build a chain as the children will do. One child tells another child, and then they tell their friends and family, and so on. We believe our job is to stay focused in God and stay strong in our studies and prayer so that we can be strong leaders for the children. We believe that through patience and fun that all children’s workers can lead the children to Christ and, through them, touch the city.
Children’s Ministry Mission Statement:
Our mission is to teach children that Jesus is the only way, truth and life. Training them in the way they should go so when they are old they will not depart.
To partner with parents, family members and the church body in instilling a deep-seated desire to:
• Love Christ (Know)
• Live for Christ (Serve)
• Lead others to Christ (Evangelize)