Leavenworth Missions
Statement of Purpose
To build a bridge between the church & this community; to love, nurture, & be a
light to the people of our community and beyond. We believe in our hearts that this church is the one for saving this city. Our intent is to let people know that God loves them, has not forgotten them, & will, if asked, forgive them. We intend to do this by getting out into the community & introducing the people of this city to God and His agape love, without judgment & harsh words, but with the truth & love that God has shown us, & to let our lives be a testimony to the goodness of God.

Holiday Helps is a program of Leavenworth Missions that provides Christmas gifts for children and meals their families.
1. 10 families are helped each year must be approved on or before November 1st of every year.
2. These families are comprised from those inside and outside the church. We seek to help those who are TRULY in need… reach out to the congregation and the community.
3. Applications can be obtained via the Missions Director &/or F.E.C. office.

As Jesus fed the multitude, we, too, desire with all our heart to feed people whose cupboards are bare. We believe by feeding the physical body, the spirit of man is more likely to receive nourishment for the soul.
By extending a hand of help to those who have no resources available to meet the needs of daily living, it is our purpose that no one ever goes hungry, regardless of their lifestyle, or spiritual beliefs. We thank God each day for the food in His storehouse and that He will multiply it to meet every need.
Food Pantry is distributed every Saturday at noon in the kitchen of Faith Evangelistic Center.